why cant life be simple .... like WHY does everything have to be so
complicated ?
rigth now i am somewhere between pissed off at peapole and
just wanting to kill peapole or myself it dosent really
matter ...
Love is not the answer
Love Is NOT the key
Love is not something i want
Love is what i get
Love is what i feel
Love is what makes me confused
i know what i want and how to get it .... but i really dont
want to go through all that trouble again its not worth it
in the long run
i have my lovely friends and that will have to do since its
them that will stand there picking me up when i crash and burn
i burn for my friends....they are the key reason why i
havent given up or given in.... someone once told me that i
was the first one that ever stood up for him becouse noone
else dared to ...sure we where kids at the playground but
still i remember that as it was yesterday i punched someones
nose becouse he was bulling my friend and my friend dident
dare to figth back ... nowdays its the reverse ... i let
Thomas take care of those who bullies me ...(that weak
little skinny kid is STILL my best friend and i do Like him
as a friend)
even if i am depressed i still know they like me for who i
am and who i was ... they are the only persons i know that i
would figth in to death beside if i ever had to do it and
they are returning that favor by figthing beside me when i
need it the most
Thank god for Internet and Skype ! how else would i ever be
able to keep in touch whith my friends overseas
Camfrog/Msn is also good inventions to keep the friendships
in place and actully if your so extremly lucky as i am you
migth find a close gang of friends to chat whith on and off
sometimes ! my friends already know who they are and my
enemys also know who i am ..... I AM the ultimate monster
from hell whith my moodswings and my short fuse and weird
behaviour... I AM the Uber Bitch from Hell...
and still my secrets stays as MY secrets no matter what ...
i WILL Die whith my secrets in my Black icy heart...
complicated ?
rigth now i am somewhere between pissed off at peapole and
just wanting to kill peapole or myself it dosent really
matter ...
Love is not the answer
Love Is NOT the key
Love is not something i want
Love is what i get
Love is what i feel
Love is what makes me confused
i know what i want and how to get it .... but i really dont
want to go through all that trouble again its not worth it
in the long run
i have my lovely friends and that will have to do since its
them that will stand there picking me up when i crash and burn
i burn for my friends....they are the key reason why i
havent given up or given in.... someone once told me that i
was the first one that ever stood up for him becouse noone
else dared to ...sure we where kids at the playground but
still i remember that as it was yesterday i punched someones
nose becouse he was bulling my friend and my friend dident
dare to figth back ... nowdays its the reverse ... i let
Thomas take care of those who bullies me ...(that weak
little skinny kid is STILL my best friend and i do Like him
as a friend)
even if i am depressed i still know they like me for who i
am and who i was ... they are the only persons i know that i
would figth in to death beside if i ever had to do it and
they are returning that favor by figthing beside me when i
need it the most
Thank god for Internet and Skype ! how else would i ever be
able to keep in touch whith my friends overseas
Camfrog/Msn is also good inventions to keep the friendships
in place and actully if your so extremly lucky as i am you
migth find a close gang of friends to chat whith on and off
sometimes ! my friends already know who they are and my
enemys also know who i am ..... I AM the ultimate monster
from hell whith my moodswings and my short fuse and weird
behaviour... I AM the Uber Bitch from Hell...
and still my secrets stays as MY secrets no matter what ...
i WILL Die whith my secrets in my Black icy heart...
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