2005-03-01 20:42:50
misstranslations !
from swedish to english .... its actully really funny ....
ill translate the frases to somewhat corrected english and
it will be shown whith a *
Good Phrases to use at the dinner table....
Slå upp ett glas mjölk! - Beat up a glass of milk! * pour up
a glass of milk
Vill du ha kaffe på maten? - Would you have coffee on the
food? * Do you want some coffee after the food ?
Slå dig ner och ta för dig av kakorna. - Hit you down and
take for you of the cookies. *Take a seat and help yourself
to the cookies
if you get pissed off !
Dra åt skogen - Pull to the forest! *(go to hell) go to the
Känn dig blåst - Feel you blown * your ripped off
Hör du du du! - Hear you you you! * hey ... YOU...
Kom hit ögonaböj - Come here eyesbent! * get over here this
Du är avskedad. - You are offspooned * your fired
Det ger jag sjutton i! - I give seventeen in that! * i dont
give a shit/i dont care
and finally some phrases that migth come handy !
Var tusan håller du hus? - Where in the thousand are you
holding houses? * Where in hell Are you
Det var som katten! - That was like the cat! * the cat did it...
Kors i taket! - Cross in the roof! * (like omg lets pain a
cross in the roof becouse its such a big deal/supprise)
Det körde ihop sig lite - It drove together itself tiny * it
got a bit messy
Vad håller de på med? - What are they holding on with? *
what are they doing ?
Var håller de hus? - Where are they holding house? * where
are they ?
Den har pajjat! - It has pied! * its broken
Se upp i backen - Whatch up in the hill! *watch out !
Att ge igen för gammal ost - To give again for old cheese
*Get even/repay
Har du bytt om? - Have you changed about? * have you
switched clothes ?
Vad är du för en, jag känner inte igen dig - What are you
for a one, I don’t feel again you! * who are you i dont
reqognise you.
Nära ögat skjuter ingen hare - Close to the eye shoots no
rabbit * close but not close enoufh
Jag har soppatorsk. - I have soup cod. * i am out of fuel
Jag har aldrig hört på maken - I have never heard on the
husband * i never heard anything like that !
Och nu tar vi oss en bensträckare - And now we will have
some * and now we will stretch our legs !
and that ends the really funny misstranslations from swedish
to english and added in somewhat propper phrases translated
by youres truely !
2005-03-02 11:21:09
Poetic... Messy and Useless
1 . I wounder why.
Dark Clouds Torns up on the sky.
I wounder why.
The sea is takeing me away.
Cold wet and windy.
I run through the mind of a girl
Her thougths are about life.
I wounder why.
How is it supposed to be ?
Her dreams are not of my kind.
She dies over and over.
I wounder why.
Is there a afterlife?
Snow falls outside.
I wounder why.
Everything is a eternal mystery for me.
Am i even alive ?
2 Time walking
I walk through time and hear the chime.
I hurry back to find my sack of treats.
Please take a Seat.
I start remembering things i thougth where forgotten.
I am Time walking.
I walk on from the past to see what the future beholds.
I see what others have forgotten, And i also see my pain
enfolds whith a ravaging force.
To feel and to smell can sometimes be a hell.
I am Time walking.
Why have i beeing so blind.
Where is everyone
Why did they leave me behind ?
Do they know me ? can they feel my pain?
I am Time walking.
Sorry about that i know there not good enoufh but i cant
express myself correctly at the moment my inner peace is
messed up and i honestly dont know what the hell is wrong
whith me rigth now .... one second i am happy and cheery the
next i get all depressed and starts writing down things that
makes no sence ...
i am a messy person and my brain works in mysterious ways
.... i will never be able to figure out what the hell is
going on outside of my brain sometimes ... oops heres
another one...
3 Closed doors
I walk through a maze whith noone around.
All around me i see doors.
I open a door.
I walk in.
I find a path.
I walk the path.
I turn around and see a wall.
I touch the wall.
Breaks down.
And opens a maze.
A maze of Ligths.
I walk onward.
I see Toombstones.
I touch the toombstones.
I read the text.
I cry.
I walk on.
I see a ligth.
I go on to the ligth.
A shadow closes in on me.
I see death and destruction
I run to the ligth.
I pass a mirror.
I look in to the mirror
I scream.
A pale reflection hits me.
I cannot belive it is me.
I see a closed door.
I open it.
I see my reflection in the mirror.
Walking in to the door.
Scared and lonely.
I die.
Thats all you get from my messy brain today... have any
questions ? or suggestions... feel free to tell me ... i
dont mind....
2005-03-03 07:41:12
spam mails are attacking me !
if you dont like it dont fucking complain and whine to me
about it ... i am not makeing you read this shit ... you are
reading this shit out of your own fucking free will ...
2005-03-16 18:43:18
7 am ...
when it comes to S.Spawn ... hes still sick and getting
worse and the vet bill will be really ... and i mean it ....
Really expensive.. and well as much as i want you to live i
also dont want you to be in this pain ...becouse i know it
hurts a lot and god i cant take this rigth now ... but i
have like the rest of the day to make up my mind about your
future it really hurts becouse i dont want you to be in pain
and at the same time i dont want to loose the only thing in
my life that actully means so much to me... but i cant be
selfish rigth now ... its not rigth for you ....
~update 19:22 pm 16th march~
Satans Spawn has now moved on to the forever grassy fields
my choise was hard and i dident really want to do it ....
but i hope hes at a better place now and i hope he dosent
feel any pain the desicion was hard and in the long run i
thougth it was better if he dident have pain ... i whished
him to be ok but there was nothing the veterinarian could do
except letting me make the hardest choise ever when it came
to him ... god i miss him why did he have to get sick ....
he was the best horse i ever meet i am just so sorry i was
the one who had to make that desicion i would rather have
had him alive and by my side and this just breaks my heart
in to smaller slices ...i hate myself for thinking
egoistical so that was the reason in the end that made me
realize that i had to do the best thing for him ... god i
hate logic and god i hate myself... i will never get another
horse.... that is one thing thats absolutly clear... i cant
make desicions like that...
(sorry for beeing all pathetic and whiny and whatever ...
but this is the first real diary entry i made in a freaking
long time)
2005-03-31 08:24:38
oh well one day left before the funeral sitting here and
just thinking about things ... i sleept well..really well !
i am thinking about things like why does everyone lie to me
and why is it so hard to be upfront and honest
i dont play games i do not even have the time to play games
and end up beeing the one thats hurt in the end ...
and why in hell do i come out as the bad person 99 times out
of 100 just for speaking my mind and beeing honest
i just dont get it ....
*faints and stops typing*
misstranslations !
from swedish to english .... its actully really funny ....
ill translate the frases to somewhat corrected english and
it will be shown whith a *
Good Phrases to use at the dinner table....
Slå upp ett glas mjölk! - Beat up a glass of milk! * pour up
a glass of milk
Vill du ha kaffe på maten? - Would you have coffee on the
food? * Do you want some coffee after the food ?
Slå dig ner och ta för dig av kakorna. - Hit you down and
take for you of the cookies. *Take a seat and help yourself
to the cookies
if you get pissed off !
Dra åt skogen - Pull to the forest! *(go to hell) go to the
Känn dig blåst - Feel you blown * your ripped off
Hör du du du! - Hear you you you! * hey ... YOU...
Kom hit ögonaböj - Come here eyesbent! * get over here this
Du är avskedad. - You are offspooned * your fired
Det ger jag sjutton i! - I give seventeen in that! * i dont
give a shit/i dont care
and finally some phrases that migth come handy !
Var tusan håller du hus? - Where in the thousand are you
holding houses? * Where in hell Are you
Det var som katten! - That was like the cat! * the cat did it...
Kors i taket! - Cross in the roof! * (like omg lets pain a
cross in the roof becouse its such a big deal/supprise)
Det körde ihop sig lite - It drove together itself tiny * it
got a bit messy
Vad håller de på med? - What are they holding on with? *
what are they doing ?
Var håller de hus? - Where are they holding house? * where
are they ?
Den har pajjat! - It has pied! * its broken
Se upp i backen - Whatch up in the hill! *watch out !
Att ge igen för gammal ost - To give again for old cheese
*Get even/repay
Har du bytt om? - Have you changed about? * have you
switched clothes ?
Vad är du för en, jag känner inte igen dig - What are you
for a one, I don’t feel again you! * who are you i dont
reqognise you.
Nära ögat skjuter ingen hare - Close to the eye shoots no
rabbit * close but not close enoufh
Jag har soppatorsk. - I have soup cod. * i am out of fuel
Jag har aldrig hört på maken - I have never heard on the
husband * i never heard anything like that !
Och nu tar vi oss en bensträckare - And now we will have
some * and now we will stretch our legs !
and that ends the really funny misstranslations from swedish
to english and added in somewhat propper phrases translated
by youres truely !
2005-03-02 11:21:09
Poetic... Messy and Useless
1 . I wounder why.
Dark Clouds Torns up on the sky.
I wounder why.
The sea is takeing me away.
Cold wet and windy.
I run through the mind of a girl
Her thougths are about life.
I wounder why.
How is it supposed to be ?
Her dreams are not of my kind.
She dies over and over.
I wounder why.
Is there a afterlife?
Snow falls outside.
I wounder why.
Everything is a eternal mystery for me.
Am i even alive ?
2 Time walking
I walk through time and hear the chime.
I hurry back to find my sack of treats.
Please take a Seat.
I start remembering things i thougth where forgotten.
I am Time walking.
I walk on from the past to see what the future beholds.
I see what others have forgotten, And i also see my pain
enfolds whith a ravaging force.
To feel and to smell can sometimes be a hell.
I am Time walking.
Why have i beeing so blind.
Where is everyone
Why did they leave me behind ?
Do they know me ? can they feel my pain?
I am Time walking.
Sorry about that i know there not good enoufh but i cant
express myself correctly at the moment my inner peace is
messed up and i honestly dont know what the hell is wrong
whith me rigth now .... one second i am happy and cheery the
next i get all depressed and starts writing down things that
makes no sence ...
i am a messy person and my brain works in mysterious ways
.... i will never be able to figure out what the hell is
going on outside of my brain sometimes ... oops heres
another one...
3 Closed doors
I walk through a maze whith noone around.
All around me i see doors.
I open a door.
I walk in.
I find a path.
I walk the path.
I turn around and see a wall.
I touch the wall.
Breaks down.
And opens a maze.
A maze of Ligths.
I walk onward.
I see Toombstones.
I touch the toombstones.
I read the text.
I cry.
I walk on.
I see a ligth.
I go on to the ligth.
A shadow closes in on me.
I see death and destruction
I run to the ligth.
I pass a mirror.
I look in to the mirror
I scream.
A pale reflection hits me.
I cannot belive it is me.
I see a closed door.
I open it.
I see my reflection in the mirror.
Walking in to the door.
Scared and lonely.
I die.
Thats all you get from my messy brain today... have any
questions ? or suggestions... feel free to tell me ... i
dont mind....
2005-03-03 07:41:12
spam mails are attacking me !
if you dont like it dont fucking complain and whine to me
about it ... i am not makeing you read this shit ... you are
reading this shit out of your own fucking free will ...
2005-03-16 18:43:18
7 am ...
when it comes to S.Spawn ... hes still sick and getting
worse and the vet bill will be really ... and i mean it ....
Really expensive.. and well as much as i want you to live i
also dont want you to be in this pain ...becouse i know it
hurts a lot and god i cant take this rigth now ... but i
have like the rest of the day to make up my mind about your
future it really hurts becouse i dont want you to be in pain
and at the same time i dont want to loose the only thing in
my life that actully means so much to me... but i cant be
selfish rigth now ... its not rigth for you ....
~update 19:22 pm 16th march~
Satans Spawn has now moved on to the forever grassy fields
my choise was hard and i dident really want to do it ....
but i hope hes at a better place now and i hope he dosent
feel any pain the desicion was hard and in the long run i
thougth it was better if he dident have pain ... i whished
him to be ok but there was nothing the veterinarian could do
except letting me make the hardest choise ever when it came
to him ... god i miss him why did he have to get sick ....
he was the best horse i ever meet i am just so sorry i was
the one who had to make that desicion i would rather have
had him alive and by my side and this just breaks my heart
in to smaller slices ...i hate myself for thinking
egoistical so that was the reason in the end that made me
realize that i had to do the best thing for him ... god i
hate logic and god i hate myself... i will never get another
horse.... that is one thing thats absolutly clear... i cant
make desicions like that...
(sorry for beeing all pathetic and whiny and whatever ...
but this is the first real diary entry i made in a freaking
long time)
2005-03-31 08:24:38
oh well one day left before the funeral sitting here and
just thinking about things ... i sleept well..really well !
i am thinking about things like why does everyone lie to me
and why is it so hard to be upfront and honest
i dont play games i do not even have the time to play games
and end up beeing the one thats hurt in the end ...
and why in hell do i come out as the bad person 99 times out
of 100 just for speaking my mind and beeing honest
i just dont get it ....
*faints and stops typing*
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