(that was the weirdest dream i had this year .... still analyzing it to pices .... and this was from may 7th this year but it kinda reoccur in my dream i dream reruns of previous dreams but theres always something alterd in the dreams that goes in a loop for instance .... this time i actully realized that the guy i meet in the stairs where one of the friends that i hanged whith a while back in 2000 .... he sent me a email the other day .. hadent talked or seen him for a long while and he actully sent a pic ... and to my supprise .. he changed ... and looks a lot like that perons i dreamt of ... the dream actully countinues since i seem to dream alternative endings or if i am replacing some parts of my dreams while dreaming them)
alternative dream ....or if you whish ... alternative way of dealing whith this dream ....i think this dream migth be a bit of a overkill tho becouse i spent a lot of time analyzing this after i woke up....
pretty much starts out the same me and my mother and her friend blah blah blah .... to the part that i get in to the classroom ...
thats when everything i dreamt before gets alterd....
My teatcher approaches me and tells me that we need to talk .... and i sit there and listnen to his mumbeling about something and i get bored and starts vaccuming the floor while he talks about my grades and he gets mad and i leave becouse i dont want to listnen and i dont have to listnen to him ... so me and my friend run down some stairs and realizes that were wearing some kind of heavy vaccumcleaners on our backs .... and we dissapear from the schoolground and home to my new adpartment and discover that something is wrong whith the floor .... theres huge dustbunnies on the floor and there moving ... we both scream in terror ... since they started growing and started to attack our legs ...
then out of nowhere comes that pesky teatcher and says something like ... you should really know that i am someone you know .... but in your dimension i am pretty .... dead .... my name is P and i know you know who i am ....and you also know the reason why you are here ... so tell me do you want me or not .... and of course i get pissed off becouse i dont really want him or my friend ...... so ... i turn around and ram the vaccumcleaner in his head ... and say whith a lot of attitude ... Hey theres no way in hell that i want you your like .... my teatcher ffs...
he gets mad and me and my friend runs back to school to go to next class whith our classmates .... but when we got up there we couldent avoid seeing the dirty floor ... so we start cleaning the classroom and we continued whith every room and every stair we found .... and when we where finally done i got this really brilliant idea .... lets go out and have fun tonigth ! and my friend agrees on it... suddenly we where out on a field looking at the moon and stars while eating really good food
after we where done whith all the food we looked at eatchother and agreed on never ruin our great friendship whith sex ....
after that i woke up and wounderd couple of things .... why the hell would him and me never break that promise ....(we never had sex in real life together) then i realized why ....
i can never have sex whith a friend ... that is why ! and we where extremly good friends before we actully moved away from eatchother
we both left our friendship behind when we both moved in diffrent directions from the town we used to live in at the same time....
i got occupied whith my life and he actully found love and i am happy for him and his girl....i know how hard it is to find that one person in your life that makes sence ...
next thing that dident make any sence what so ever was the cleaning obsession .... i HATE vaccumcleaners ... they make too much noise..
and me carrying one around on my back ... now that must be some way of saying that im going insane .....
and me not paying any attention to what a teatcher says ... now that is extrenly rare .... i must really dislike him for a reason OR i migth finally have forced him out of my dreams ... there must be a reason why i dident bother to listnen to what he said... becouse im sure he said some stuff that migth have given me a clue about something that my subconsious mind just dosent want to remember ....
//MissY on the run !