torsdag, januari 09, 2014

Is the Second Life Pirates a dieing breed ?

 This is straigth from my profile currently...

 Currently the Baker Of Pirates Keep In Morgans.
I can also play violin and figth alongside with my friends in Mayreauders
Backstory is under the picks "Me Adventure"

I Dj alot in Morgans . Special events.

YES i am a bloodthirsty Sinister Pirate.Got a issue ?

I am only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

yeah i log everything Get over it. if you log me i dont really care since i already by default log you.

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~The answer to the topic´s question~~~~~~~~~~~~
I would not know if it is but i do know this ...
Its my backstory for JRS that turned in to Carribbean Seas and when they shut down i moved to Morgan straits ... i lived there and loved it but now shes selling off the sims . so i moved on and well here is the backstory ... written in ... Pirate Speak !!

I lived in th' cold north 'n i snuck on t' a ship at th' age o' 16. T' find a galleon t' call galleon. 
Since i was a orphan 'n none really cared fer me . Me daily life was horrid i had t' fight fer grub every single day. 'n t' survive durin' mighty cold winters i had t' loot grub from dishonest merchants .

Th' ship i was on got boarded by pirates 'n they loot me wit' them. They had thar end destination somewhere in th' Caribbean Seas. 'n at first look anyone assumed i was a lad 'cause i cut me hair 'n hid th' fact that i was indeed a wench. I rapidly adapted t' th' life on th' sea 'n they did feed me good grub .I got trained in shootin' a bow 'n arrow 'n a gun 'n handle cutlasses.'n i helped out as much as i possibly could . As soon as they found out i was a wench they put me down in th' grub pantry 'n told me t' cook grub fer them.

One day i burnt th' galley down unfortunately it spread t' th' rest o' th' ship. So th' cap'n 'n th' crew left me on th' burnin' ship. Luckily i knew how t' swim so i ended up on a deserted island that had a wee tool shed on it. I used th' tools I found t' build me a raft. I used th' raft t' locate th' closest civilization witch happen t' be Port Vale  ..

They loot me in without hesitatin'. I more or less moved on 'n became a Baker in Pirates Keep . Then aft a while i meet this lovely pirate Wimpy that i submited too He 'n me marryied 'n i became a Mayreauder Pirate  i left him and now i be roaming the 7 seas ..'n thats were I be today.


And there be more to this ..... this is straigth out from the picks about Mayreau and Pirates keep !
➁ Pirates Keep

My Bakery is on this sim.

Arrr...we be pirates ye bloody fool!  Sea Battles, Pirate Balls, Taverns, Live Music, Merfolk, Sim Rentals, Home Rentals, Custom Builders, Role Play.

➂ Mayreau
My Home my place of Pleasure and Pain.
I have the most awsome men and women around me.

I love them !


No ageplay
No decapitation/mutilation
No scat
No perma death.
I mirror your limits as well ... if you dont want it done to you dont expect me to want it ethier.

Slap a collar around my neck and ill rp killing you off without mercy.

And to conclue it all ... No pirates in sl will survive just not were i may roam.
