mmm ok !
be stupid and i will be .... stupid ....
So here is where you will find odd Pic´s and My rantings ! Have fun ! you migth even find pic´s of me and my Son We dont have pets anymore ... or someone i can truely say that i love.... but hey atleast my son has a dad
About Light The concept ”light” is a most misunderstood term. True light is awesome. It is so far beyond its common English usage in conjunction with such things as neon, sun, flash, bud and; ”do you have a light please?” etc. Let it put it this way; ”we are victims of indirect lighting’. Whatever romance we have created by using light in this manner has now lost its charm. Direct lighting is the wave of the future. As mission members, we are specifically here to plug into that high-voltage line. Let us become conscious of this word’s meaning as we use it. Light is the force of reclamation, stewarded by the power of creation. Light is nothing less than life itself. ABOUT EXTRATERRESTRIALS An extraterrestrial is not an alien. An alien is an alien. An extraterrestrial is a responsible citizen of the cosmos, not a foreigner adrift among the stars. Extraterrestrials are representatives of light, protectors of life, and lovers of the planets. They are indigenous to any planet they happen to be on by virtue of their citizenship, regardless of their planet of origin. An extraterrestrial is a being who is in sympathetic harmony with the essence of its genesis. ABOUT ALIENS There are people on earth who have expressed a certain neurotic fear about an alien invasion. That fear has been triggered by a nagging sense that in a limitless universe there just might be other intelligent life. We need not scour the skies for evidence of an alien invasion. Look around you instead. Look at those who are peddling fear, vending death, and poisoning the planet. Look at those who hide the truth so that the power they have derived from lying will not be threatened. This is the alien invasion people worry about, the one which is externalized and fear. It is also the one that surrounds us and the one we have been living for thousands of years. There is no point in fearing an invasion of aliens, since the invasion has already happened and the aliens are already here. The invitation to enter into the light is extended to all humankind, aliens included, for aliens are only extraterrestrials who have chosen to stand in the darkness, live a lie, and wear a disguise. The Dimensional Shift: Time/space anomalies are being experienced on our planet at this very moment. Most people have the nagging sense that there isn’t as much time as there used to be. This is usually expressed as; ”isn’t time flying? The reason for this sensation of less time is because there is less time. In order for a dimensional shift to occur, time is collapsing to create a new dimensional space. Conversely, space is collapsing to create a new dimensional time. Intelligence: We have noticed that your idea of intelligence and our idea of intelligence have very little to do with one another. For instance, you call yourselves an intelligent species, yet you are dangerously close to make your planet uninhabitable by anything other than asphalt. You have also managed to place yourselves at the top of the endangered-species list. May we point out that even a virus demonstrates a more astute grasp of its situation than that. The only reason a virus is inclined to trash out its environment is in its well-calculated attempt to maintain its life. Intelligence is the force of life expressing itself in created form It exists in all life, regardless of whether it has a brain or not. Through the misuse of your mental processes, you have come to regard intelligence as the part of one-upmanship in acts of spiritual barbarism. You have somehow managed to reduce rationality to mental faculty that enables you to grab the most the fastest. Meanwhile, true intelligence is an alignment with the matrix of creation and its source. It is an allegiance to light and an embracing of life, not a demonstration of how adept you are at the act of denial. Reality: This is a difficult word to define because there really isn’t any such thing. What we mean by that is that there is no single reality, here or anywhere else. There are as many different realities on this planet as there are people alive to create them all. And what passes for global reality is merely a group consensus on a few minor points. From there on out, it’s every man and woman for him or herself. The reality that you live is nothing more than an audio-visual demonstration of where your attention is. The GREAT AWAKENING: The 1990s are the decade of The Great Awakening. By comparison, the ’90s are destined to make the 60s look like little more than an episode out of ”Leave it to the Beaver.” In this decade, the second wave of extraterrestrials will remember who they are. This newly awakening group constitutes the majority of the beings on this planet who are carrying within their genetic structure the seeds of a new consciousness. This tide of consciousness is an unstoppable force, and its impact is destined to sweep across and shape the borders of the incoming millennium. The Great Awakening is a manifestation of the Victory of Light that has already been accomplished beyond this plane and now has only to play itself out on this dimension. STARSEED-THE NEXT GENERATION: Another great source of assistance on this mission will be extended to you by the generation that follows. This is primarily directed at the vanguard of this mission whose task is to cut the pathway to a new civilization. However, the generation that you have prepared the way for is right behind you. They are the builders of the civilization for which you now establish the foundation. |
The Revolving Door
By Kiaya Elam
Peanut leaned back against a rock looking down into the
valley she once thought of as home. Soon that would all
change, soon the portal would be opened and she would leave
this world just as she came, alone. She wore a Hoary
Mattekar Robe and took care to run a hand down the soft
material which she had sought long and hard for. How many
had she killed before finding the one who yielded the skin
to make the fine robe? She didn’t trade for it, purchase
one on the open market, nor was she gifted with one by a
friend. No, she earned it and the robe was one of the few
things she wouldn’t part with. Asheron gave her the choice
of leaving with one other thing, of course there was no
thought in what it would be, her red Chiran armor.
Peanut came into the land of Dereth with nothing more then
an empty pack. Lord Asheron gave people little choice when
he called them to aid in his fight against the evil that
walked the land. Evil growing more and more each day with
fewer people to fight, she felt guilty about leaving her
friends behind, again, there was no choice in the matter;
for when Asheron made up his mind about something there was
no arguing with him and he was ready to release her, she’d
done all he could ask of her.
“You didn’t think we’d allow you to leave without a
farewell did you?”
Peanut looked up from where she was sitting and held her
hand up to shade the sun from her eyes. There standing
before her was her wife and love Busan. She stood quickly
shaking the robe of any dirt which might have collected and
gave her wife a warm hug and passionate kiss. “I didn’t
think you’d want to see me leave.” She offered in
explanation although she knew she needed none.
“Well I don’t but the decision isn’t mine: it’s always been
yours and I wouldn’t even think of asking you to stay
longer then you want to.”
“Its not that easy Busan and you know it.”
“I know, but what else can I say without the guilt being
thicker then it already is.”
“True, now just sit with me and enjoy my last sunset in
this cursed land.”
Busan didn’t need to be asked twice and joined her wife in
front of the rock, using it as a backrest. Busan watched
Peanut out of the corner of her eyes wanting to memorize
everything about her. Although she hadn’t known her as well
as some, what she did know was that Peanut led a simple
life. She became part of Rival’s monarchy in her early
years, often keeping to herself and learning her craft in
the art of magic. 'Four Schooled' is what they called it.
It was one of the hardest classes of warriors to learn but
also one of the most rewarding. When Rival departed the
land, Peanut tried to find another family to belong to, but
it just wasn’t her style. Leaving that monarchy and taking
a few vassals with her, she found that heading out on her
own was one of the best things she’d ever done; no one to
report to, no one to worry about, as her vassals could damn
well take care of themselves.
Peanut never really called any place home on Dereth. She
had fond memories of Baishi before her family had grown
large enough to buy a mansion of their own. Thinking back,
Busan often wondered how Peanut managed to gather such a
large force behind her, supporting her, loving her. For a
woman who would rather hunt alone then with any one
particular person, she had created quite a monarchy known
as the House of Virindi.
Peanut glanced over at Busan and caught the odd look in her
eyes. “What is it?”
“Nothing.” Busan blushed profusely, looking away to keep
from admitting she was silently wishing Peanut wouldn’t
Peanut respected her wish to remain silent and looked back
over the valley towards the setting sun. The brilliant
colors of reds, pinks and violets flooded the edge of the
valley in a dance of color. Off in the distance the cry of
some banderlings snapped Peanut into standing up and
brandishing her wand.
“Easy girl, your fight here has ended.”
“CapFan.” Peanut sighed deeply putting the wand away
turning to face him. “I swear I’ll never be able to listen
to the sounds of the forest again without wanting or
needing to kill something.”
CapFan placed a protective arm around her shoulders, not
quite a hug but enough to show a bit of emotion as well as
support. “Go home Peanut with our blessings.”
“Like I need your blessings, more like a curse and slap on
the ars….”
“PEANUT!” Busan shouted forcefully with a chuckle as she
joined Peanut and CapFan. She drew Peanut into a tight
embrace then stepped back away from her.
Peanut turned to both of them stepping away and towards the
portal which opened as the last of the sun set over the
skyline. “Take care of our family CapFan.”
“Dear friend.” CapFan hugged Peanut quickly. They were the
oldest of friends, and could finish each other’s sentences
without any thought and ran the monarchy together, making
it one of the best in the land and much sought after by
others. Stepping back he knew those two words were all
Peanut needed to hear.
Peanut nodded to CapFan with a small grin then kissed Busan
one last time. “Take care of him.” With that she
disappeared into the portal returning to her world.
and as you probobly figured out....
My Ingame name the last 4 years
was Miss Busan but everyone referd to me as Missy or Busan
before Miss Busan was created i had my Alpha Girl and LaNyk
LaNyk´s mules are actully 3 days older
then LaNyk but she was the main char...
a fiesty redhead axe chick that rocked in Player Vs Player
until everyone started using macros
then after a while i got kinda bored and decided that
re rolling my chars where not a option.... so instead ...
i got a new accont
and thats where Alpha Girl came in to the picture !
my first Aluvian Princess !
and of course i had to make her in to a Axe chick
becouse i couldent really see her as a sword or mage ...
and just some months before i
quit playing whith her i turned her in to a ....
crossbow chick becouse i found it easyier
to figth from distance
then of course Miss Busan came along she kicked ass
no matter what time of the day it was !....
shes the only one i botherd to maintain
and she still exists
but shes wearing a diffrent monarchy tag then the rest ...
since i gave that accont to one of the persons
that meant most for me
my truthful vassal and monarch on a diffrent server ...
U S Blues !
he is the only person that stayed 100 % honest whith me
and we still email on and off and god i whish
i could be whith him
i honestly miss him and his funny sence of humor
theres so much i could sit here and type down about
those precious years
in asherons call
theres also one person more that i truely love
from the bottom of my toes
and his ingame name was
Ashaman (yeah yeah i know hes a male playing a female char
so what?
i still love him tho)
he also make me wounder ... what happend to him ....
i dont know and i will never know if he ever got
everything worked out
since i lost his adress and i know he moved
from his old rl adress
since the real mail i sent came back ....
(tryed sending him and his kid christmas gifts last year ...
sent them in the begining of november and they came back)
anyways i miss them all
but its time for me to stop thinking of everything now
*hugs and kisses on everyone*
say what you want i dont care
i dont care anymore ....
i am too fucking tierd to care
about anything rigth now to
much has happend the last 24
houers ... broken balcony window...
deaththreat and more
shit .... and yes a insane ex
boyfriend got arrested again
.... why does this happend to me ..
i was happy just a houer ago ....
and now i totally switched
mood ... thank you whoever you are
that made me realize that
my life purely sucks ... i was beeing
way to happy for my
own good ....
thank you so fucking much for this ...
your welcome to ruin the rest
of my fucking life as well becouse
rigth now i dont give a shit about tomorrow ...