måndag, september 12, 2005

A open Letter to Sebastian

its so simple even a 5 year old could figure this out ....
i don't want you in my life
you made my life a living hell from the first time you hit me to the last time...
i reallycouldn'tt see how we could be whith eatchother
and i reallydon'tt understand why you almost killed me ...
ididn'tt cheat around and did everything you told me to dowithoutt even thinking ....

but in the samesensee i have to thank you ...
if it wherent for you i would never had known i was sick...
and if it wherent for you i would NEVER had known my true value as a human

~~~~off topic stuff~~~~
i had depressions before you and i think you knew that they started when i was around 10 and had to switch school... from a nice frienldly everyone know everyone school to a hard toufh school that everyone stayed forthemselvessbecausee noone was a sligthet equal to eatchother ...Everyonee was stuck up snobs ... INCLUDING ME even tho i was just a bit more openminded anddidn'tt care what everyone said about my friends .... justbecausee they came from the same area as me ... i sticked by their sides as any friend would no matter what... sure some of the girls couldent stand me becouse i had a own definition about how life was supposed to be .... and sure some of the guys where asshole bullies ...but that all changed becouse i sat my foot down and refused to be treated like shit by them ..
~~~rant off~~~

So what in hell gave you the rigth to destroy my life ?
was it the fact that i was still stuck in my past or was it the fact that i am bi and had a couple of ex girlfriends living close to where we lived ?
or was it even more simple ... you got tierd of me and thougth that the best sollution was to kill me off ?

i really wounder how your mind works ...

but i do know one thing .... THANK GOD your still locked up
i hope you rot in that jail ... even tho i know that jailtime for you is just another cool thing to tell your buddies about .

but you should also know what i know ... i know that you have a really easy life behind those bars ... you get better food then most schools and most older persons that realys on the goverment .. i think a russian prison would have beeing better for you ... i hear they have worse living standard then we in sweden .... you would be lucky to have water and bread over there ...