fredag, juli 01, 2005

A strong female Does it on her own !

I have a mind As hard Steel ... i take what i want and do as i please

ill do anything for those i love and like and respect BUT they better not walk over me becouse i am extremly cruel and have a extreme long memory and i can hold a grudge for a very very long time
sure i can forgive easily but i will never forget ...

Those who are my beloved friends and those i love on so many levels knows it. they are few but very carefully selected . they are the onlyones who do know who i truely am and they also know the reason why i am writing this in a public blog ...

sharp intellect, roufhed up spirits, unconventional characters,pure creativity geniouses, morbid humor´s survivors, lusting and loving bloodstreems, happy to be alive and horny whith no changs in hell tags around their necks, large flowers wallpaper, true smile bumps, friends who calls in the middle of the nigth, risen brains, confused, tierd, horny, wanting the exact same thing as i do !

i simply love them all no matter how they act or behave becouse there all a part of me and my friends ... i mean ... you could probobly use one or two of those word if you tryed to describe me ...

if you knew me that is ...