onsdag, juni 15, 2011

its finally over !

2011-06-15 09:01:32

thewizardisasmokerandatoker: you know i feel like an ass for making you mad at me Sad :(

2011-06-15 11:00:53

thewizardisasmokerandatoker: Sad :(

thewizardisasmokerandatoker: didnt mean to make you so mad at me i get the silent treatment and my cam not even opened

2011-06-15 11:11:02

thewizardisasmokerandatoker: ok i guess if thats what you really want

Later same day

Private message from thewizardisasmokerandatoker: "ok i admit it i fucked up but this silent treatment really sucks. if youre that mad at me just tell me to fuck off or something at least hen i would know where you stand"
Private message to THEWIZARDISASMOKERANDATOKER: "k fuck off "

lördag, juni 11, 2011


Jag föddes inte för din skull och tänker därefter inte leva efter dina regler.
Tycker du inte om mig,så är det ditt problem inte mitt.
Snackar du skit bakom min rygg,så kan du inte förvänta dig att jag ska vara ärlig mot dig.
Jag bryr mig inte om att du inte gillar mitt utseende, jag gör mig inte fin för din skull.
Du kan kalla mig vad du vill,men tro mig jag vet redan vem jag är.

Om jag vill lyckas med att föra en människa
mot ett bestämt mål måste jag först finna
henne där hon är och börja just där. Den som
inte kan det lurar sig själv när hon tror att hon kan hjälpa andra.

För att hjälpa någon måste jag visserligen förstå mer än vad hon gör, men först och främst förstå det hon förstår. Om jag inte kan det så hjälper det inte att jag kan och vet mera.

Vill jag ändå visa hur mycket jag kan så beror
det på att jag är fåfäng och högmodig och egentligen vill bli beundrad av den andra i
stället för att hjälpa henne.

All äkta hjälpsamhet börjar med ödmjukhet inför den jag vill hjälpa. Därmed måste jag förstå att detta med att hjälpa inte är att härska, utan att vilja tjäna. Kan jag inte detta så kan jag inte
eller hjälpa någon.”

Sören Kirkegaard , dansk filosof

fredag, juni 03, 2011

camfrog rant 2011

2011-06-03 17:50:03
williamgates: do you know what is so weird?
ValkyrieBast: yes that im sick as a dog and still manages to turn morons on
williamgates: hahahah i wil tell u more than this
williamgates: it's so weird that I am gay but you are turning me on :S
ValkyrieBast: aww sweety =) now that does not fall in the morons catergory =)
williamgates: weirdos catgory
ValkyrieBast: thats the freaky one =) im bi
williamgates: no offense but u r damn hot
williamgates: u made me wish i was straight
ValkyrieBast: lets be friends ! i never actuly turned on any of my male friends
williamgates: i swear i look at you and a have a million dirty thoughts crossing my mind
ValkyrieBast: aww =)
williamgates: wanna know them?
williamgates: lol
ValkyrieBast: sure this could be really interesting for a change !
williamgates: lol
williamgates: ok
williamgates: well
williamgates: i want to lick ur neck and bite it softly
williamgates: then
williamgates: push u ahainst the wall
williamgates: spread ur legs
williamgates: pull ur hair back
williamgates: spank ur ass
williamgates: and fuck you
ValkyrieBast: oh well i can honestly admit i never heard anyone of my closest male friend say something like that =) and well 99 % of them are gay =)
williamgates: told u it;s weird
williamgates: :S
ValkyrieBast: yes
ValkyrieBast: but totally ok in my world
williamgates: not ok in my world
williamgates: hahaha
ValkyrieBast: i know lol =)
williamgates: wanna go private?>?
ValkyrieBast: so tell me whats your type of guy ?
ValkyrieBast: i should do my homework ! Hi im Marina and im from sweden
williamgates: i am passive
williamgates: i am mario and i am from italy
ValkyrieBast: oh are you jettas bf ?
williamgates: :OP
williamgates: :P
ValkyrieBast: oh my god
ValkyrieBast: and here i go and belive that he never find someone whos as cute as you are !
williamgates: please don;t tell anyone about this
ValkyrieBast: dont worry
williamgates: du know about my tits?
ValkyrieBast: nopes you got tits ?
williamgates: yes ;D
ValkyrieBast: aha ! well theres nothing wrong about those =)
williamgates: of course not
williamgates: proud i have them
williamgates: ;D
ValkyrieBast: you should be !
williamgates: now i feel i want you to lick them :P
ValkyrieBast: and to answer your question about going private ... i rarely go private
williamgates: and i ner get turned on by a girl
williamgates: sio i win ;D
williamgates: never
ValkyrieBast: unless your my cousin of course her i go private whith every day but thats just becouse she lives on other side of planet
williamgates: i waned to show u my tits
ValkyrieBast: oh leave some mysterieys unsolved =)
williamgates: mmmmmmmmmm
williamgates: like my hard dick now lol
ValkyrieBast: well ill show you my boobs if that dosent turn you off .. well then i have front seats in hell =)
williamgates: show
williamgates: damn
williamgates: made me wanna really wank
ValkyrieBast: no think cute guys not female boobs
williamgates: mmmmmmmmmmm
williamgates: better
williamgates: i want to fuck u
williamgates: i want to fuck u in a public place
ValkyrieBast: are you sure your not bi ?
williamgates: i was so sure about my sexuality until i clicked ur cam
williamgates: r u weaing a skirt
williamgates: ?
ValkyrieBast: aww english words ... im wearing pirate pants
ValkyrieBast: or did you mean top ?
williamgates: mmmmmmmmmm i almost saw ur nipple
ValkyrieBast: well im adjusting it lol
williamgates: first time i stare at a cleavage in that way
williamgates: the look on ur face
williamgates: and the lips tease
williamgates: i like when u lick and bite ur lips
williamgates: so hot
ValkyrieBast: im such a tease
williamgates: i wouldn't pause
williamgates: i would show it and be proud of it
williamgates: u wanna see?
ValkyrieBast: well this chatroom is actully face on cam
ValkyrieBast: and im confused =) you really got me puzzled
williamgates: my dick is my other face
williamgates: just ask for it
ValkyrieBast: i wont ask for it you will regret it later
williamgates: no i won't
williamgates: ask for it
williamgates: if u want it
williamgates: if u want it
williamgates: uck ur finger
ValkyrieBast: you know what for beeing gay you do behave fishy =)
ValkyrieBast: since when i look at your profile your apperently searching for a female ... shouldent you be looking for a hot guy
williamgates: this is not my profile at the first place
ValkyrieBast: oh
williamgates: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
williamgates: u want it
williamgates: it's urs