torsdag, juni 07, 2007

vilken typ av bloggare är jag

Vilken bloggtyp är du?

Din blogg är din offentliga dagbok. Du skriver om tentor, mensvärk, godissug, barnuppfostran, tandläkarbesök, ångest, spindelfobi och relationsproblem. Du skiter fullständigt i huruvida dina inlägg innehåller korrekt grammatik, kommatering och tangentbordsmissar. Din blogg är ändå bara till för vardaglig ventilering och att ingen läser den bekommer dig inte det allra minsta.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

What type of MMORPG player are you ?

Based on your answers, you are ESKA.
Breakdown: Achiever 26.67%, Explorer 93.33%, Killer 33.33%, Socializer 73.33%

ESKA players often see the game world as a great stage, full of things to see and people to meet. They love teaming up with people to get to the hard-to-see places, and they relish unique experiences.

The Bartle Test was originally designed for players of MUDs (multi-user dungeons) but continues to have applicability to virtual worlds of all kinds--especially MMORPGs. The test attempts to measure a player based on what they enjoy most about a game, based on four axes:
The Four Bartle Catagories

* People with high Achiever scores tend to prefer collecting points, levels, treasure and accomplishments that set them apart from other players--or simply present challenges.
* People with high Explorer scores tend to enjoy finding all of the unique areas of the world, often enjoying the immersion of the experience. Finding a place with unique monsters and seeing what those monsters do is usually more fun for an Explorer than defeating the monsters themselves.
* People with high Killer scores prefer the player-versus-player aspect of any game more than anything offered by the environment. They often relish the adrenaline and challenge of pitting themselves against real players.
* People with high Socializer scores enjoy interacting with other people, forming organizations, and finding cooperative solutions to the challenges within the virtual world.
TAKE the Test to find out !