måndag, januari 22, 2007

HammerFall Weekend

first the pics from it its on my picture blog !

Ok Then ... here the story goes..

Thusday ...
i dyed my hair blue black and Patriks hair brown black and my sisters hair wine red.

I spent 2 hours fixing Patriks hair .... whith wine red dreads... a lot of work

20th of january 2007 we (Me and Patrik) went up to see Hammerfall

we took the train from katrineholm we sat and maked out for a hour and 15 mins ... since the train was in a bit late..then we hit stockholm
We went shopping some at Glitter and some at Taj Mahal (the last 2 links are on swedish)
we ate at burger king (yikes) before we took the sub to slussen but of course we got lost on the substation ! but we managed to find rigth exit down to the sub after just 5 mins of looking
we wanderd around slussen and saw katarina hissen and the boats (birka princess boats) (including the boat we where going to)

we stayed at Hotel/Youth hostel Called Gustav Af Klint
And we had a blast at that place ! we checked in and got ready to run off to the concert.
When we noticed that my boots where broken. so we had to go buy a new pair. at the store called sko stjärnan or something (link on swedish)
Then we went back to the hotel boat ! and got ready for departure ..

then we hit slussen again just to get to gullmarsplan... and of course when we got there we got a bit lost and wanderd off to globen
but then we asked for directions by a nice cab driver that lead us even more in the wrong direction....
but we ran in to a man whith a dog that helped us get on the rigth track in just 30 mins after the cabdriver so ..
we went back a long long bit and finnally we found Fryshuset ! (warning pdf file)(need i say that i dident smoke from when we got there until we left ? that was roufhly 7 hours)

where the concert was ! there we stood in line while it was snowing and blowing like crazy for roufhly 2 and a half hour before we got in.
it was horrible ! kids everywhere and their overprotecting parrents ... and a lot of minors. good greef everyone was pushing like hell to get in...
We got in and hanged our coats and moved up to the concert area ...

I ran in to some old and i mean it ... old friends at the concert ... both Mangnus and Ruben... who dident even reqognize me untill i said who i was ..
hadent seen them for like 15 years or something..
and while i stood there chatting whith my old friends Patrik went off and bougth me a nice t-shirt ! and he bougth 2 for himself as well..
we ate some food in the cafeteria. (good sandwiches ! but the sodas tasted yuck..)

we saw some bands that was warming up for hammerfall ... Like Krokus and The Poodles (both swedish and english translation is avalable) and we got a free cd eatch ! YaY
then it was time for Hammerfall ! YAY i pretty much sat down in the cafeteria whith a large soda during the first 20 mins or so since my back and legs hurt like hell.
Then i tryed to locate Patrik so he could take photos ... whithout any luck ....
3000 ppl where in there so it was hard to find him ...
i went 3 rounds in there to locate him ...
myself im way to short and couldent take photos in there.

but i gave up and went back to where they sold t-shirts and watched the show on and off from there
i saw a b-day cake get splashed in Oscar Dronjak´s face ..one of the members of Hammerfall it was his B-day
apperently he feelt the urge for some b-day cake in his face before he threw the rest of the cake out on the fans !
and i saw someone blow fire on stage (i think that was oscar as well)

I went down and got our coats and sat and chatted whith a stranger that went to school in my hometown.
we sat there and chatted for a long while. it was nice !
i think he was a bit drunk tho becouse he looked like if he was extremly horney.

Then when the concert was over there was a lot of weird profit hungry persons outside that tryed to sell off hammerfall t-shirts illegally (i say illegally becouse the band dosent earn anything of those ppls sales)
and i got to smoke atleast 1 ciggarette for the first time in 7 hours...we went back to gullmarsplan .... now THAT was easy ... just follow everyone else .... it pretty much took us 5 mins to get back to the sub by just following everyone else !
and took the sub back to slussen !

and back to the hotel/youth hostel boat !
hanged our coats and went straigth back to the bar ... where i got drunk in just a hour .... 3 large drinks whith 6 cl vodka and some sour lime soda... patrik drank 2 beers and one of those drinks i drank.
and NOT until we went to bed ... i got sea sick even tho we where docked ... oh dear .... shouldent drink so fast in just a hour...
most of the nigth i spent on the toilet ....
i counted my visits from where we went to bed and to the fact that it was time to wake up and go eat the breakfast buffe.... 12 stinking times !
patrik just went one time ... he fell down from his bed and hit the table whith his legs .... that must have hurt like hell !

Sunday morning !

hungoverd and absolutly not in the mood to go home !
ate breakfast ...
packed up our stuff ..sat around in our cabin until it was time to check out.....
went off to slussen to find our way back to the Central station...
we still had a lot of time to kill before our seperate trains would leave....
i pretty much dragged patrik in to Lush and bougth bath bombs !
then we visited sweden store (just a couple of meters away from lush on the trainstation)
where i found a really really nice and warm shirt ... that i bougth whithout thinking twice ! (it has a hood and a print that said Stockholm on it)

Then we went off to take a coffie/cola break before my train would leave.
my train was faster and more luxurius then the train Patrik went whith (i went whith x2000 while he had to go whith regional/intercity train)
it was a blast feeling hungoverd and at the same time sit on a train whith a kid whith a puzzle book infront of me.
we competed in solving soduko puzzles .... that 7 year old ... beat me ..... twice !
i feelt really ill and sick ... that train is faster bit it reminded me to much about beeing on the hotel/youth hostel so i got sick as a dog after a while
and of course ... we where late in to my station becouse of some track problems ... so instead of me waiting 40 mins for patriks train i actully only had to wait 20 mins becouse we where 20 mins late as well
and then his train come ....

and we walked home to his place whith snow falling down.... and ate food .... thank god for food !
then i spent some time restoring my hair to normal ... and then his dreads went out ....
god damnit that was a lot of work then a nice bath before we went to bed and sleept.

So to sum up this weekend ... DAMN we had a lot of fun !

The Links from my story...




Birka princess boats

Central Station

Katarina Hissen




burger king


Gustav Af Klint

(warning pdf file)



The Poodles (Both Swedish and English translation avalable)

The Swedish Links


Taj Mahal

sko stjärnan

And some pics
The weiw we enjoyed from the middle deck of our Hotel/Youth hostel
And Me !

