tisdag, februari 28, 2006

something that made sence

actully accured ..... i was told by a man in uk ... aroundish the age 20 something and fat and ugly...... that i was a retard ... he only seen me a couple of times on cam and i hardly spoke to him ethier becouse he had such a rude way ..... he called me names upfront .... and he thougth I would be stupid enoufh to make him a maturbation video ...and when i told him that i wouldent do it for anyone ... the names came flying ... first i was a slut ... then i was a damn lesbo then my iq was below 25 ....

sure i am a camslut .... but i have dignity .... and i hate males that think that they are better then everyone else becouse they where born male .... i hope karma bites them in their asses one day ... and let them experience how degrading it really is to be called names .... god i am pissed off .... how in hell can males be that stupid ?

i hope one day that he realizes that every person on the planet isent a pice of property and shouldent be treated like shit by others ...

sure i am not the smartest female around ... my iq is only 168 but still ... does THAT give you a reason to treat me bad ??

its hard enoufh to play stupid when you know your rigth ....

now ill move on to something that made sence....
fredrik ....
the reason we dident speak yesterday was becouse my coumputer freaked out ... but hey we got to speak today .... i whish you knew how much it hurts been apart from you ..
i really love you.
everything about you makes me flutter in a way i never flutterd before for a male...

work .... now that sucks .... but hey ... everything is just great .... i now work whith some reptiles ... lizzards and spiders and some really cute snakes! and some less cute scorpions ... but hey ... atleast i work whith something i like and can handle .. just part time tho ... probobly going to look for another job since i need more cash ...

oh time to go !

måndag, februari 27, 2006

Cant help it

this is some pics from random places .... well those whith the tag serasanorchas is from Qx and are in my clubs or albums or frontpage ...
since my name there IS SerasAnorChas rigth now...the nigth pic is from Fredriks balcony at nigth .... Damn i miss been up there whith him ... i love him really much

fredag, februari 24, 2006

im so boring

that i actully couldent refuse to send another snap up !

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i gone

Home ! and i do tend to look a bit wild and upset when i do travel on a train whith kids sitting behind me and there like screaming becouse they dident get the candy they wanted as the nice person went whith his cart and their parrents refused to buy them candy ...

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I go southpark !

Aint i just the ...... worst you ever seen ?

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torsdag, februari 23, 2006


just wanted to say that today i go home .... damn i will miss fredrik !

Your Brain is 73.33% Female, 26.67% Male

Your brain leans female

You think with your heart, not your head

Sweet and considerate, you are a giver

But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you!

fredag, februari 17, 2006

a devil

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You Are 92% Evil

You're the most evil person you know.

The devil is even a little scared of you!

Fredrik and Me ... =)

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Me and Fredrik

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måndag, februari 13, 2006

Sleeping Gretzky !

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söndag, februari 12, 2006

thursday snow !

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fredag, februari 10, 2006

i will dance for you !

Your Stripper Song Is

Closer by Nine Inch Nails

"You let me violate you, you let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you, you let me complicate you
Help me I broke apart my insides, help me I�ve got no
Soul to tell"

When you dance, it's a little scary - and a lot sexy.

måndag, februari 06, 2006

online tests and shit

After you die...
Parallel Universe

After death, you will continue to exist as if nothing has ever happened. You will continue to be yourself, but because you are in a parallel universe, some things will be different. You may not have married the same person, you might live in a different spot, but you will be the same person underneath it all and you will continue your life unaware that you ever died.

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

Marina Ohlsson --



'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

söndag, februari 05, 2006

Ponytail day !
